You found the property, or perhaps several properties. You know you can make money since expected profits from both cash flow and capital gains look good. Maybe you found the exact property in which you would like to live.

All you need now is a mortgage between $300,000 and $2 million.

But the bank says they are not interested. Or, you don't want to give them the personal guarantee they want. Or they cannot do it quickly enough. You applied to other traditional mortgage institutions, and the results are not satisfactory. So what can you do to make it happen? Time may be short if you are to take advantage of the opportunity.

Consider Woodmere Park. We Make Mortgages Happen. Quickly. If you have tried other sources, then you need to apply to us.

We invite you to explore our web site and make an initial application. Our goal is to serve you for this and many other properties.

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